Frequently Asked Question

Loan amounts starts from 50,000 upward depending on the type of loan requested by the individual or business.
We know paying back loans is no small feat that is why during the loan application process we fashion out a repayment schedule which is suitable for you. Please note, loan durations are also subject to the loan amount requested.
- Personal Loans: Loan duration ranges from 1 month to 6 Months
- Payday Loans: from 1 month to 6 months
- Business Loans: from 1 month to 18 months
- Asset Finance: from 1 month to 12 months
Individuals and entrepreneurs with registered or unregistered businesses. Please note, Business experience or employment of at least 6 months is required.
At County finance we take many factors into consideration when setting interests rates for our loans which are but not limited to
- The loan amount requested and the loan duration
- Returning clients with good repayment history with us
- Reducing balance adaptation
- Direct Debit: This is an easy and convenient mode of repayment where a standing order is attached to the individual’s bank account, and the money is then collected automatically on the set date of repayment.
- Bank Transfer: This mode of repayment is simply transferring of funds to County Finance Ltd’s designated bank account numbers. Please note after the transfer has been made, the individual will be required to send to us either by email or other suitable communication channels proof of payment (payment slip) for confirmation.
- Cheque Deposit: In this process the individual’s cheque is taken to the bank for the issuance of the repayment of the loan, Please note, a dud cheque is regarded as a criminal offence with serious implications.
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